Strike Action
Feb-March 2023
NEU Teacher Members have voted to take strike action on a series of dates in February and March. We realise that you will have many questions about this. We will regularly update this page with information, including a FAQs section. Please also look out for emails and texts that you will receive from Camden and the National union.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I did not vote in the ballot (I lost my paper/did not receive one/joined after the vote). Can I go on strike?
A: Yes, any teacher member can take part in the strike action as long as they join before a strike begins.
Q: Do I have to tell my Headteacher if I am an NEU member or if I plan to go on strike?
A: Not only do you not have to tell them, they should not be asking you. We have emailed the heads of all Camden schools to tell them this. If they do ask, say, "My union has advised me not to answer that question."
Q: I am a school rep and my Headteacher has asked for names/numbers of those going on strike. What should I do?
A: We never share the names of our members. You should not give numbers. These will be provided by the NEU Central Office to Camden at the appropriate time.
Q: I am a part-time teacher and do not work on the strike day, what should I do?
A: We would love for you to be a part of events on strike days; but you do not work on that day so you are not on strike.
Q: Should I provide work for my classes to do on a strike day, either online or if some pupils are in school?
A: No. The real long-term damage to children's education is being done by the policies of this government who fail to value the work we do. A strike means withdrawing your labour in order to demonstrate its value.
Q: I was due to be attending an CPD day/event on the strike day. Should I cancel?
A: We know how important continuing professional development is for teachers, and how much damage government cuts has done to it, but we would ask that you contact the provider to explain that you will be on strike. It will almost inevitably be rescheduled as most other teachers will also be taking strike action.
Q: I am an NEU member but I work in a private school. Should I be going on strike?
A: No. This ballot covers teachers within the state sector. If you are a private school teacher and have concerns about pay, get in touch with Camden NEU for advice.
Q: Will I lose pay if I go on strike?
A: On a strike day, a teacher sacrifices 1/365th of their annual salary before tax and other deductions. However, we are seeking increases in pay that will more than make up for any loss. It also sends a clear message of our principles. Camden NEU will be setting up a hardship fund for those members who find themselves in severe financial difficulties. If you have not already done so, you should also claim a tax rebate on your union subscription, which is normally worth between £120 and £300. Click here for a model rebate letter.
Q: I am a supply teacher living/working in Camden. What should I do if my agency asks me to work a day in a school to cover for striking teachers?
A: You should refuse and report the agency to Camden NEU. We are taking strike action to demand better pay for all teachers and better funding for schools. We need all members to take part.
Q: I am on a long-term supply cover, technically employed by an agency. Can I join the strike?
A: NEU supply teacher members employed via agencies cannot be included automatically because agencies are not classed as employers and the union cannot frame a trade dispute with them. This is not something with which the union agrees – it’s a consequence of the stringent balloting regulations. There will be solidarity actions that agency supply members can participate in and if there is a picket line outside the school, you can refuse to cross it.
Q: If I take strike action, and other people at my school don't, I will get in trouble with my Headteacher or be treated differently?
A: This would be illegal and Headteachers know this. You should not be afraid to exercise your legal rights.
Q: I am a member of the Senior Leadership Team and an NEU member, am I allowed to join strike action with all other members?
A: Yes. Camden NEU has a lot of SLT members, including some Headteachers. Your support lends weight to our campaign and your perspective enables us to shape better policies.
Answers to more FAQs can be found here: