The NEU is committed to challenging discrimination against disabled people and to campaigning for disability rights for its members and students. We work to influence policies at school, local and national levels relating to both working conditions and rights for our members and for the young people we work with. We work with other unions and organisations who share our aims.
Camden NEU is keen to increase the involvement and activity of disabled members in the work of the Union. If you would like to be more involved or require some advice or information, please contact our equalities officer Lucie Scott, via email: Lucie Scott
NEU - Disability equality toolbox
This provides useful guidance for reps on what to do if your members experience workplace disability discrimination.

NEU advice
If you have an issue or a concern please do contact your rep or the Camden office. In the meantime please consult the NEU website which gives advice, support and provides resources.
This link goes to a National website. Please note that as an external body the views expressed here may not necessarily be our own.
Secondary and FE
Acceptance, Tolerance, Respect: Alison & Parys Lapper (KS5 but could be suitable/adapted for other years)

Teacher's notes