National Education Union.
The Snap Poll for teacher members ended on 30th September. 95% of those who voted, voted to accept the 5.5% pay increase for teacher and leadership members.
Following the result, NEU General Secretary, Daniel Kebede, said that members had: '...accepted this year's pay deal, but the government should be in no doubt that we see it as just a first step in the major pay correction needed.'
NEU Support Staff members voted overwhelmingly (92% in England and 96% in Wales) to reject the NJC pay offer.
The recognised local government unions - Unison, GMB and Unite - have agreed with the employers (the Local Government Association) on this year’s pay round.
After membership consultative exercises, the three Unions have accepted the employers’ “full and final offer”.
The local government unions submitted the following:
All employees are to receive a wage rise of £3,000 or 10%, whichever is higher
All employers to agree on a clear plan to reach a minimum pay rate of £15 an hour in a maximum of two years
An additional day of annual leave for all staff regardless of their current entitlement.
The employers’ responded with the following:
An increase of £1,290 (pro rata for part-time employees) will be paid as a consolidated, permanent addition to all NJC pay points 2 to 43 inclusive. This equates to a 2.5% pa rise at the top of the scale and 5.7% at the bottom.
An increase of 2.5% on all allowances.
Cuba Material Collection Appeal
Two Camden NEU members, Orlando Hill and Melanie Jones, visited schools in Cuba in October 2024. This was part of an NEU delegation visit.
Camden NEU were collecting material aid which Melanie and Orlando then took to Cuba for schools. This included Braille machines for use in Specialist schools.
Orlando and Melanie are both happy to come into schools to talk to staff and children about their visit and the historical situation in Cuba. Please do e-mail Camden NEU if you would like them to come into your school.
Current campaigns
NEU members’ strike action forced the Government to improve its 2023-24 pay offer increasing it to 6.5 per cent, and commit an extra £900 million to properly fund the teacher pay offer and protect support staff jobs. In July 2023, NEU members voted overwhelmingly to accept the offer.
Since then, the NEU has reinstated the Schools Cuts website. Camden has lost £15.6 million in real terms funding since 2010/2011, which is £886 per pupil. This must be addressed.
As revealed and discussed at the NEU National Conference in Bournemouth, 50.3% NEU members engaged with the indicative ballot and the overwhelming majority voted for industrial action. We are proud that 70% of Camden NEU members voted in the indicative ballot.
The Executive are meeting to discuss next steps. As well as focusing on a funding campaigning, this will involve a snap poll once the STRB report is published.
This term, we will be campaigning with Camden Unison on funding, and we plan to hold a meeting regarding funding and pay, with speakers addressing the local community . We want the community to stand with members and demand that the Government takes action to solve the crisis that is threatening to destroy education.
Following a resounding 97% vote in favour of strike action by National Education Union members who teach in sixth form colleges, strike days have been announced across 32 colleges on the following dates: 28 November, 3 December and 4 December 2024.
Despite efforts by the NEU to resolve the dispute through clarification from the Secretary of State for Education that non-academised sixth form colleges could utilise the additional funding allocated to the sector in the budget for staff pay, no such clarification has been received. Academised sixth form colleges had previously received funding to implement the same 5.5% pay award as announced for school teachers.
Daniel Kebede, General Secretary of the National Education Union, said:
"We have given the Government every opportunity to sensibly resolve this avoidable dispute. The recent comments of Jacqui Smith that she would wish to see college pay rises match those within schools are welcome and we remain hopeful that the Government will guarantee that colleges may utilise additional funding now allocated to them for staff pay. Over 2,000 NEU sixth form college teachers stand ready and will not hesitate to take strike action to win a fair pay award for every college.
"Our dispute has highlighted the lack of care shown to the further education sector as a whole and the urgent need to bring up college staff pay up to at least the same level as in schools. We remain concerned by the disregard shown by the DfE to the longstanding, effective collective bargaining arrangements in sixth form colleges and would expect that this situation would not arise in future.
"No teacher wants to take strike action. The NEU remains open to negotiation.
"It is time for the Government to put this right. The money is clearly there for a fair, above-inflation pay award for all sixth form college teachers and our members will stand firm until they get pay justice."

The National Education Union represents the majority of teachers and education professionals in the UK. Whether you're a trainee, newly qualified or experienced professional, working in a local authority maintained school, academy or independent sector school, sixth form college or FE/HE – you can join the National Education Union.
Here, in the Camden District of the NEU, we have over 2,200 members consisting of headteachers, teachers, supply teachers, further education lecturers, teaching assistants, trainee teachers and education support staff.
Camden NEU is here to provide information and support and to give expert advice to all our members. Whether you need guidance about your employment rights or help with problems such as workload, bullying or accidents at work.
We can answer general queries and also provide representation on a whole range of issues affecting you at work, from sickness absence monitoring, pay appeals and pay progression to disciplinary hearings both for individuals and collective grievances.
We also provide excellent professional training opportunities locally and also at regional and national level.
If you are a member of Camden NEU and require advice or support during term times, please speak first with your school rep. If you do not have a rep, or require further advice and support, please contact the Camden office.
Phone: 020 7974 3998/3997
Please be aware that Camden officers are teachers on secondment. As such, they are not available during school holidays or outside of normal office hours.