Special Dispensation for Years 11 and 13
Given the proximity of our 27th April and 2nd May strike days to the public examinations, the NEU recognises that it is appropriate to seek agreements with head teachers that permit Year 11 and 13 pupils to attend school for revision activities or exam practice.
Given the proximity of our 27th April and 2nd May strike days to the public examinations, the NEU recognises that it is appropriate to seek agreements with head teachers that permit Year 11 and 13 pupils to attend school for revision activities or exam practice.
Only the Government, by coming back to the negotiating table with a much-improved offer, can eliminate that disruption altogether and avert these upcoming strikes.
Only the Government, by coming back to the negotiating table with a much-improved offer, can eliminate that disruption altogether and avert these upcoming strikes.
The general principle under-pinning this dispensation guidance is that the union will support arrangements that provide the minimum level of teaching staff needed.
The general principle under-pinning this dispensation guidance is that the union will support arrangements that provide the minimum level of teaching staff needed.
If members wish to staff the provision for Years 11 and 13 under the special dispensation, they should discuss it with their school Reps who, with support from Camden NEU, will negotiate the arrangements with the Headteacher. As a basis, it must be clear that:
If members wish to staff the provision for Years 11 and 13 under the special dispensation, they should discuss it with their school Reps who, with support from Camden NEU, will negotiate the arrangements with the Headteacher. As a basis, it must be clear that:
- It remains the case that no NEU teacher member can be compelled to work on a strike day.
- This special dispensation is to staff provision for Years 11 and 13 only.
- Agreeing to staff provision is not considered ‘breaking the strike’. Members should continue to support the action in all other ways, including joining demonstrations when they can.
- There should be no expectation that you are in before/stay after your period of provision, the length of which should be negotiated with the Headteacher.
- We are calling on schools to dock no pay from teachers who staff provision, even if it is for part of the day. At least one Camden secondary has confirmed they will follow this approach. The NEU is encouraging members to donate that day’s pay to the Hardship fund. In Camden, we would prefer that members donate to a charity of their choice and only if they are not in severe financial circumstances.
In the spirit of the special dispensation:
In the spirit of the special dispensation:
- If you are prepared to staff provision it is essential that your Headteacher is informed in time to finalise arrangements. Reps should discuss the deadline for this with Headteachers. This should not be considered a precedent for informing schools of your intention to strike in the future. If you are not staffing provision, there is no need to tell your Headteacher that you will be on strike.
- If there is a picket-line/school gate meeting at your school, please be part of it before going in or after coming out from staffing provision. Please join other events that you can on the strike days.
- Members on picket-lines/school gate meetings should not initiate conversations with Year 11 and 13 pupils about the campaign.