Camden State Funded Schools
Camden NEU has a longstanding and very good relationship with the Local Authority. This is enshrined in a recognition agreement which allows us to represent and negotiate for members on a collective basis.
Camden NEU has a longstanding and very good relationship with the Local Authority. This is enshrined in a recognition agreement which allows us to represent and negotiate for members on a collective basis.
Thanks to this relationship, the vast majority of education workers in the borough are covered by policies and procedures which are uniform. We consult with the LA regularly to ensure that these are up-to-date and fair to staff and schools. There will be some variations in policies at religious schools and the small number of academies in Camden.
Thanks to this relationship, the vast majority of education workers in the borough are covered by policies and procedures which are uniform. We consult with the LA regularly to ensure that these are up-to-date and fair to staff and schools. There will be some variations in policies at religious schools and the small number of academies in Camden.
It also means that our school reps and local officers are granted non-contact time to support members and conduct union business.
It also means that our school reps and local officers are granted non-contact time to support members and conduct union business.
If you are working at a Camden state funded school, you are part of the Camden NEU Branch (a union structure that operates within a group of schools under the same management structure) and part of the wider Camden NEU District (which also covers members at independent schools, supply, and retired).
If you are working at a Camden state funded school, you are part of the Camden NEU Branch (a union structure that operates within a group of schools under the same management structure) and part of the wider Camden NEU District (which also covers members at independent schools, supply, and retired).