The NEU is committed to challenging discrimination on the grounds of gender and sexual orientation, and to campaigning on behalf of its members to ensure they are being treated equally. We work to influence policies at school, local and national levels relating to both working conditions and rights for our members and for the young people we work with. We work with other unions and organisations who share our aims.
There is an annual LGBT+ members conference which currently takes place over a weekend and which is open to any LGBT+ member to apply. If you would be interested in applying for this conference please contact our Equalities officer: Lucie Scott
The NEU has produced resources for supporting LGBTQ+ staff and students. These are available by accessing the links below. The NEU has also developed resources which will help you create an LGBT+ inclusive environment in your school/college, for both students and staff.
Help and guidance
The NEU LGBT+ inclusion guidance provides information for education staff, including NEU members, reps and officers; heads, senior heads, PHSE and safeguarding leads; school governors/trustees and councillors, local authorities and community leaders.

The NEU is committed to the important right for people who are trans or non-binary to self-identify. The NEU recognises trans and non-binary identities and is aware and concerned about the unacceptable levels of discrimination faced by trans and non-binary staff in workplaces and within society.
Please find the Trans educators Toolkit here.