School Picket Lines
A picket line is designed to do three things:
1) Peacefully persuade colleagues not to enter the workplace;
2) To engage with members of the public, which, for us, will include parents;
3) And to bring visibility to our campaign.
The NEU is in dispute with the government, not our schools or school leaders. However, the law only allows people to picket their own workplace. The local police will be informed so there should be no issues.
What will our picket lines look like?
We are allowed a maximum of 6 people, plus a picket supervisor, outside each entrance to a workplace. They will be identifiable with an armband or hi-vis vest that we will provide.
The picket supervisor (which in most cases will be the school rep), will have had picket training. If you are the rep, or would like to be a picket supervisor for your school in the absence of a rep, and have not had training, please contact Camden NEU. It does not take long at all and is all common sense.
The picket supervisor will have a letter of approval from the union.
Supporters can be nearby but clearly separate from the picket line.
We intend picket lines to be in place from 8:00-10:00am but school groups should make arrangements which suit them.

All picket lines must have a supervisor who has received the necessary breifing. Please read this document very carefully and contact Camden NEU to arrange a time for your briefing.